If you happened to miss this fantastic article on about Violetta White Delafield, please read it! Her drawings are stunningly beautiful. All of the links throughout the article lead to papers about the fungi discussed - it's a lovely and fascinating rabbit-hole to get lost in. In NJMA News 45-5, a Introduction to Mushroom Drawings was taught by Katy Lyness. Drawings from both the instructor and a class participant are shown. For a Mushroom Coloring template, see NJMA-51-1 for mushrooms to color. A past coloring contest was offered in NJMA News 46-3 with the winning illustrations appearing in NJMA News 46-5. |
- Lewis David von Schweinitz - has an article on the paintings of early American mycologist Lewis David von Schweinitz. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel, located in Philadelphia, has digitized his beautiful fungi paintings. The Academy has also digitized other natural history artwork.
- On the web, there are a number of video How To's on painting mushrooms.
Photography is an important part of the scientific recording for mushroom observations. However, the NJMA yearly photo contest recognizes the art as well as the science in its annual photo contest. So taking the time to compose your photos or applying advanced photo techniques will earn the extra appreciation that it is due.
Photography is an important part of the scientific recording for mushroom observations. However, the NJMA yearly photo contest recognizes the art as well as the science in its annual photo contest. So taking the time to compose your photos or applying advanced photo techniques will earn the extra appreciation that it is due.
Artist Resources
- Mushroom Art A site of beautiful mushroom art by Peter Thwaites, a commissioned artist to the British Mycological Society. Features prints from watercolor paintings, posters, cards, and even canvas folding chairs highlighting Mr. Thwaites' artwork, all available for purchase.
- Beatrice Potter: Pioneering scientist or passionate amateur? - BBC 2016 article