NJMA must be doing something right! By the end of 2020, the NJMA club had over 600 paying members. This is a 50% growth since this 50+ year old club broke the 400 member level in 2012. Membership now includes domestic members outside the NJ-Philadelphia area and even members from other countries. The club remains 100% run by unpaid volunteers.
Forays - In-Person forays held on a mix of Saturdays and Sundays during the season is the best way to learn about fungi and lichens. These forays are open ONLY to NJMA members.
Newsletter - Get your watercolors, illustrations, humor, quizzes, and novice and technical articles published in the newsletter, NJMA News. Let hundreds of people enjoy them.
Who will be in the next installment of popular series Who's in Name? NJMA News contributor John Dawson writes the story behind famous people in the field of mycology (now over 90 articles!).
Virtual Education - Taxonomy Tuesday, a virtual foray EVERY WEEK on Tuesday evenings. Lectures by our own club educators and/or by mycologists in conjunction with other clubs across the United States during the off-season.
Fungi photography - Get helpful tips on improving your photos! Watch our newsletter for rules and submission date for our annual Photo Contest.
Mycophagy and MycoAuction - An event held in February. Check out some of our guest chefs' recipes.
Culinary Group - The NJMA Culinary Group is unlike other NJMA food-centered events, these are not potlucks; they are themed dinners. The most common themes have been national cuisines: Southwest France, Italy, Germany, Vietnam, New Orleans, Caribbean, etc. The group took a pause in recent years, but returned in April 2024.
Grete Turchick Memorial Foray & Picnic - A members only picnic event in July or August in Sussex county. For the past few years, a second potluck picnic has been held in Burlington county.
Northeast Mycological Federation - (NEMF) Travel and meet your fellow mushroomers at regional events like the NEMF SAMUEL RISTICH Foray. In 2018, it was Geneseo, NY. In 2019, it was Lock Haven, PA (jointly hosted by NJMA). Each year the host rotates amongst the clubs in the northeast USA and eastern Canada. In 2023, it was Kerhonksen, NY. In 2024, it was held in Hyannis, MA.
North American Mycological Association - (NAMA) Enjoy discounted membership and access to its publications Mycophile and McIlvainea.
Last Updated: 2024-12-10