"The Ones We Use Most Often"
There are many other books available; this is just a list of the ones we use most often. Below is a quick summary list of the books highlighted later. Most of the newer books have been reviewed in the club newsletter NJMA News.
- Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada, by Timothy J. Baroni, Published by Timber Press, 2017
- Mushrooms of Northeast North America: Midwest to New England, by George Barron, Published by Lone Pine, 1999
- Mushrooms of Northeastern North America, by Alan F. Bessette, Arleen R. Bessette and David R. Fischer, Published by Syracuse University Press, 1997
- Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America, by Roger Phillips, Published by Firefly Books;, 2010
- Mushrooms of the Southeast, by Todd F. Elliot and Stephen L. Stephenson, Published by Timber Press, 2018
- Mushrooms of North America, by Roger Phillips, Published by Little Brown & Co, 1991
- Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians, by William C. Roody, Published by University Press of Kentucky, 2003
- National Audubon Field Guide to North American Mushrooms, by Gary Lincoff, Published by Knopf, 1981
- Amanitas of North America, by Britt A. Bunyard and Jay Justice, Published by FUNGI Press, 2020
- Ascomycete Fungi of North America:, by Michael Beug, Alan E. Bessette and Arleen R. Bessette, Published by University of Texas Press, 2014
- Boletes of Eastern North America, by Alan E. Bessette, William C. Roody, and Arleen R. Bessette, Published by Syracuse University Press, 2017
- Milk Mushrooms of North America, by Alan E. Bessette, David E. Harris and Arleen R. Bessette, Published by Syracuse University Press; 2009
- Polypores and Similar Fungi of Eastern and Central North America, by Alan E. Bessette, Dianna Smith, and Arleen R. Bessette, Published by University of Chicago Press, 2021
- Tricholomas of North America, by Alan E. Bessette, Arleen R. Bessette, William C. Roody , and Steven A. Trudell. Published by University of Texas Press, 2013
- Waxcap Mushrooms of Eastern North America, by Alan E. Bessette, William C. Roody, Walter E. Sturgeon, and Arlene R. Bessette. Published by Syracuse University Press, 2012.
- Corticicaceae s.l. Fungi Europaei 12, by A. Bernicchia and S.P. Gorjon, Published by Candusso Edizioni, 2010
- Fungi of Switzerland 2: Aphyllophorales (non-gilled fungi), by J. Breitenbach, Published by Mykologia, 1986
- The Corticiaceae of North Europe (8 Volumes), by Kurt Hjorstmam and et al. , Published by Fungiflora, 1973, (Available as pdfs on mycoweb)
- Fungi of Temperate Europe (2 Volumes), by T. Lassoe and J.H. Peterson, Published by Princeton University Press, 2019 (See review in NJMA News 50-3)
A Good First Choice
My favorite is Barron’s Mushrooms of North America. This guide covers a wider variety of species than most guidebooks: lots of ascomycetes, slime molds, and bracket fungi. I like the feature of keys by spore color for gilled mushrooms, and the quick guide on the back cover. I own two copies: a copy stained with mushroomgoo for my basket, and a “clean” copy for the house. |