- - Michael Kuo's identification site, contains keys, descriptions, and photos. There is special info for morel collectors and some info on tree identification.
- Rod Tulloss' Amanita website - Everything you ever wanted to know about members of the genus Amanita. (Well, almost...if you want more, you need to speak with Rod himself!)
- The Bolete Filter - Triage (A Synoptic Key) for North American Boletes
- Tom Volk's Fungi - Very helpful page from Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, where he has taught courses on General Mycology.
- Fungi Growing on Wood - A site assembled by Gary Emberger, reflecting work he's done over the years to create an identification guide to wood decay fungi based on an out-of-print work by Charles Fergus called Illustrated Genera of Wood Decay Fungi. The website includes dichotomous keys, descriptions, and, for many species, quite a few photographs illustrating many diagnostic features useful for identification.
- MykoWeb - Fungi of California, reprinted books: Crepidotus, Pholiota
- Taylor Lockwood - One of the world's most prominent aesthetic mycologists, Taylor Lockwood's photos are truly jaw-droppers. Contains information about Taylor and provides links to purchase his books, DVDs, and stock fungi photographs. Additional link
- Collection of Polypores - Dr. Josef Vlasak's collection of polypores, many collected in the mid Atlantic region. A good resource to study of on those brackets.
- Weird and Wonderful Wild Mushrooms - Jan Thornhill's fascinating mushroom blog.
- Forest Floor Narrative
- Alpental Pacific NorthWest - Danny Miller
- Field Guide to Common MacroFungi in Eastern Forests and their Ecosystem Functions - Free PDF from USDA Forestry Service
- Hebeloma - A study based on 10,000 collections for this genus, 58 species were recorded within the USA .
- Inocybaceae - Under Keys, download a key to Inocybaceae species in Eastern North America
- Lentinellus, Contribution to a Monograph - (pdf) Ronald Petersen and K.W. Hughes, 2004
- CrustFungi - Alden Dirks
- Crusts by Gary Lincoff
- Urban Mushrooms
- Stereum Species - MycoGuide
- Last Updated: 2024-03-07
Outside the USA
Last Updated: 2022-12-15
- - An invaluable resource. In French, English, etc. Use Google Translate if needed for mobile device.
- AscoFrance - Dedicated to ascomycota. In French and English.
- Polypores of British Columbia - A free PDF of North American Polypores, in full color!
- Cortinarius - A free large PDF on, in French.
- An interactive collection of mycological resources - from the UK. Please note that whatever information you gather from these resources MAY be specific to the UK and Europe, not the US. Do not rely on this as a sole source of information about US mushroom identification.
- Gruppo Micologico e Naturalistico - An interesting Italian mycological site. In Italian and English.
- Hebeloma - A study based on 10,000 collections for this genus, commonly known as 'poison pies'.
- Hygrophorous Key - MycoQuebec Blog - (Use Google Translate to convert French to English)
- Russula News
- Xylaria
- - Myxomycetes
Last Updated: 2022-12-15
- Microscopy of spores, hyphae, cystidia, trama, to identify fungi
- Mic-UK: An Introduction to Microscopy
- How to Identify Mushrooms to Genus III: Microscopic Features, by David L. Largent, David Johnson, Roy Watling, Published by Mad River Press,1977, pamphlet
- Olympus Frequently Asked Questions About Optical Microscopy
- Zeiss Configuring a Microscope for Kohler Illumination
- Microscope World Calibrating a Microscope
- Olympus Microscope Objectives Introduction
Last Updated: 2023-10-16